The Tom and Jerry Tale...
Do you recognise this Cartoon episode??? One of my favorite cartoon programs which I have relished since I was a small child is the evergreen slapstick comedy series – “ Tom and Jerry.” The never-ending cat-mouse game would keep me glued to the television set with both Tom and Jerry trying to outsmart each other with their instantaneous wit and intelligence. As I grew older and started understanding the complexities of the society around me in greater detail, I noticed something really disturbing in my most favorite program. I found in certain episodes, hints of ethnic and racial prejudice that I had learned were commonplace in American society in the 1940's when the cartoon series was first launched. I felt racial stereotyping in quite a few episodes set in homes and gardens in American suburbs, with the owner as a white woman and the maid, black. It was never the other way round. Although I felt bad that such ideas could permeate through the basic fabric of my mos...